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Executive Forum’s Leadership Series® presents Bob McGannon

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts 1101 13th Street, Denver

There’s a right time and place for leaders to discard “the rules” and prioritize results over process compliance, innovation over rote, business-as-usual constraints. This vital intangible skill is called “intelligent disobedience,” and Bob McGannon teaches leaders how to develop it in themselves, to the benefit of the people, teams and organizations they lead.

Executive Forum’s Leadership Series® presents John Register

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts 1101 13th Street, Denver

When a leader consistently finds ways to inspire people, positive results are sure to follow. TedX speaker and medal-winning Paralympic athlete John Register shows leaders how to kindle inspiration in others, then to harness that inspiration within a self-sustaining loop where motivation ignites action, action yields results and results spark even greater inspiration.

Executive Forum’s Leadership Series® presents Dr. Paul Zak

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts 1101 13th Street, Denver

Mix a bit of neuroscience with a measure of nitty-gritty business acumen, infuse it with trust, love and morality, and you have Dr. Paul Zak’s formula for creating high-performing individuals, teams and organizations.