Get More Mileage from your Next Training
If you’ve ever spent resources on training, you may have also felt the disappointment when the excitement has dulled, and old procedures and habits reemerge. Without follow up, even the best training is likely to produce diminishing returns over time. So, how can you make sure you and your team will continue to get the most value from this training? And how can you turn those lessons into longer-lasting impressions that will positively impact your organization?
Know the Why
If you're seeking training, you already see a need, maybe something is missing, or you need to reengage your team. But why now? Decide why this training is essential, and then make sure to relay that to your team. Get buy-in and commitment by talking about the benefits to each team member and your organization as a whole. If they know the 'why,' they will be more likely to participate and stick with it. If it is compliance training and mandatory for your organization, make sure to convey that also.
Make it Easy
Learning new concepts and integrating them into your daily routine will take work. Take as much of the burden of adding another step off your team as you are able. Make the integration of this training as easy as possible so that it becomes second nature. If it is hard or the steps take more time than usual, it is far more likely to get left behind. Your team is busy being productive if you implement another step - no matter how important, it might get left behind. If it is hard or becomes cumbersome, revisit the why. Also, you might consider some rewards or recognition as your team does start to get it.
Make it a Habit
Studies show that it takes three weeks to form a new habit. Make the three weeks right after your training the most important three weeks. Make a new routine for your team, check in regularly, write new procedures, plan for rewards, and a refocus if you feel dedication is slipping. Keep that constant gentle pressure, and you'll find your team will get it. Don't get discouraged, it will take time and effort, but it will be worth it.
As your team is forming this new habit around your training, position yourself as a resource for problem solving and encouragement. There will undoubtedly be some hard days, for sure, but don’t give up. Have a plan in place to help your team work through it. And while you shouldn't micromanage this process, you should put a regular check-in with your team on the calendar. If you let yourself forget, they’ll forget. Have a peek at our accountability blog here if you need assistance.
Most people will make the mistake of thinking that once the training is over, so is the work. The smart leader knows that the reward is in the follow through. You've spent time and money on educating your organization, so take the additional step and make your investment in training pay off long after the actual course is over.
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