Sarita Maybin

About: Sarita Maybin

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  • Role : Change, Communication, Team Building
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  • Experience : A former university dean of students, Maybin has spent the past two decades helping leaders and organizations inspire their people through positive communications. She has spoken at prestigious TEDx events and is a past Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest winner. Her latest book is If You Can’t Say Something Nice, What DO You Say? Practical Solutions for Working Together Better.
  • Specialist in : There’s a direct connection between communication, collaboration and innovation, and Maybin shows leaders how to make that connection count for their culture and the bottom line, even in the face of constant change. Doing more with less is among a leader’s toughest challenges, and Maybin provides a series of immediately impactful workplace communication strategies for leaders to rise to the challenge. The end result is an organization whose people and teams work better together — with improved productivity to show for it.

Now more than ever, leaders are seeking ways to get more out of their people and their resources. Workplace communications expert and author Sarita Maybin equips them with a uniquely powerful set of communication skills and approaches that are proven to engage, energize and mobilize individuals and teams.