Curt Steinhorst

About: Curt Steinhorst

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  • Role : Leadership Strategist, Communication
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  • Experience : Curt Steinhorst provides proven tools and tactics to cut through the noise and restore focus in your people with a simple, balanced approach to technology that keeps employees engaged and productive, without feeling deprived. Drawing from extensive research into technology’s impact on human behavior and his own experience overcoming ADD, Steinhorst’s strategies put the “work” back in workplace. His motto: Pay attention! Your success depends on it.
  • Specialist in : The founder of FocusWise, a workplace communications consulting firm based in Dallas, TX, Steinhorst published his first book, Can I Have Your Attention: Inspiring Better Work Habits, Focusing Your Team and Getting Stuff Done in the Constantly Connected Workplace, in 2017. His clients range from Fortune 100 companies to smaller public and private organizations to leadership associations such as EO and the Million Dollar Roundtable.

Smartphones and social media are here to stay. But as a leader, you don’t have to accept the distraction, lost productivity and lost profits that accompany digital connectedness.