Elise Foster

About: Elise Foster

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  • Role : Change, Leadership, Team Building
  • Website : https://executiveforum.net/courses/multipliers-best-leaders-make-everyone-smarter-foster/
  • Experience : Known for delivering engaging and impactful workshops and keynotes for both education and business leaders, Elise has more than 14 years of engineering and organizational development experience across Cummins, Inc., Harvard University, and Indiana University. She has also coached more than 25 leaders and 200 full-time MBA students, designed, and delivered leadership workshops for as many as 200 participants.[/two_thirds]
  • Specialist in : Elise is the co-author of The Multiplier Effect: Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools. She is also a leadership coach who enables business executives to unlock their potential to become even more successful by guiding them to use their intelligence to make everyone around them smarter and more capable.
Topics Handling
Course Name Lesson Name Complexity Length
Elise Foster Elise Foster Full Program Video 2:00:01 mins
Elise Foster Becoming a Multiplier 17:39 mins
Elise Foster For Leaders, Questions Matter More Than Answers 14:53 mins
Elise Foster Climbing the Ladder 16:38 mins
Elise Foster A Leader’s Role: Asking, Provoking & Harnessing 16:04 mins
Elise Foster The Art of the Question 6:02 mins
Elise Foster The Accidental Diminisher 16:56 mins
Elise Foster How Multipliers, Diminishers Differ 6:28 mins
Elise Foster The Multiplier’s Mindset 14:47 mins
Elise Foster Two Types of Leaders 10:42 mins

The role as leader is changing from one of knowing, directing, and telling to one of unleashing the intelligence and capability around us. A critical skill of the century is not what you know; rather it’s how quickly you can access what others know. In this dynamic program, Elise Foster shares thought-provoking, accessible, and essential exploration of why some leaders (“Diminishers”) drain capability and intelligence from their teams and while others (“Multipliers”) amplify it to produce better results.