About: Joe Dispenza

- Role : Communication, Change, Performance Management, Strategic Planning
- Website : https://executiveforum.net/courses/leadership-renewal-day-evolve-your-brain-the-science-of-changing-your-mind/
- Experience : Joe Dispenza is the author of the book Evolve Your Brain – The Science of Changing Your Mind. Dr. Joe’s background in biochemistry from Rutgers University, and a Bachelor of Science focusing on Neuroscience from Evergreen State College offer the foundation for his approach to thinking in new ways, as well as changing beliefs, to literally rewire one’s brain. Dr. Dispenza was featured in the smash hit docu-drama What the Bleep Do We Know?! and What the Bleep – Down the Rabbit Hole. An engaging and knowledgeable presenter, he received a standing ovation at a recent conference of 700 participants.
- Specialist in : As a corporate consultant, Dr. Joe gives on-site lectures and workshops for businesses and corporations interested in using neuroscientific principles to boost their employees’ creativity, innovation, productivity, and more. His corporate program also includes private coaching for upper management. He has personally trained a group of 40 corporate trainers who teach his model of transformation to companies around the world. He recently began certifying independent coaches in using his model of change with their own clients
Why is it that people persist in the same behaviors while saying they want to change? What stops us from making new positive behaviors into habits? Joe Dispenza has been studying the human brain to figure out how we learn new behaviors and how our thoughts create chemical reactions that keep us addicted to thought patterns even when they make us unhappy. During the last 10 years, in more than 17 different countries, and on six continents, Dispenza has taught listeners about the role and function of the human brain. He has helped thousands of people re-program their thinking through scientifically proven neuro-physiological principles. Armed with the knowledge of how we have created our habits, we can take the next step to change those habits and reach our own personal goals.